Nedo X-levels are top-quality buiders levels which meet the very hightest demands.These builders levels feature particularly bright optics, a large objective aperture, a sturdy air-damped compensator and quality workmanship - just right for the use under extremely tough conditions.
- Optics: upright
- Magnification: 20x
- Clear Objective aperture: 30mm
- Shortest focusing disyance: 0.6m
- Additive constant: 0
- Multiplication factor: 100
- Compensator operating range: ±15
- Setting accuracy: ±0.5
- Horizontal circle: 400gon
- Sensitivity of circular bubble: 8 / 2 mm
- Standard deviation pre km double-run : ±2.5 mm
- Protection class: ΙP54
- Weight: 1.7 kg
- Connecting thread: 5 / 8